As the great quote from Albert Einstein - "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

Get our PROGRAM - 4 Steps To Take Your Power Backbrought to you through donations

We are dedicated to helping you truly end the cycle of abuse, in your life, your families and for future generations.

We offer FREE rebuilding courses, scholarships for private therapy or coaching, community awareness events and wellness classes. With the help of your donations.

There are 4 ways to get involved.

  1. If you are ready to rebuild a NEW life and write your OWN story from this day forward - we have a Divinely YOU special program to get your started.  Thanks to our generous sponsors and partners it is FREE. Just register below.

  2. Become a Sponsor or partner.

  3. Join the team as a volunteer.

  4. Your donation are always appreciated and go towards scholarships, programs and community events.

I am so grateful for you!  These teachings are food for life change, and I look forward to each one with great anticipation!  I am even great full for the pain that moved me to meet you.  Otherwise, I would still be spiraling downward.  You are a blessing in my life.

Thank you...for you.


The mission:

If you are breathing you are meant to be alive, healthy and thriving. However, far to often children and adults are affected by abuse of all types. To break the cycle of abuse, science and psychology has discovered survivors need support to develop healthy habits in all areas of their life.


At Divinely You - by partnering with local and national businesses and people like you committed to creating a better tomorrow for yourself and our youth, we offer classes, community events and ongoing online support to develop healthy habits where unhealthy coping skills once where.

At Divinely YOU we help survivors learn the secrets to reclaim their power and end the generational and person cycle of abuse affecting them and those around them for good.

Donate to a great cause - 100% of your proceeds goes to events, workshops, private coaching and life coaching scholarships and community building concerts.

Stay in the loop.

THANK YOU to our sponsors.

Thank you for your Support

Our mission

Divinely YOU is an organization founded on the realization that the only way we can heal the effects of abuse is by first ending self-abuse.

As the great quote from Albert Einstein - "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."


The founder Antiqua Lisha is a child abuse prevention advocate and has spoken out about childhood sexual abuse, prevention since she herself became a survivor at age 13. She has written books and coaches clients to reclaim their power and rewrite their stories to live their lives as worthy, gifted, and complete.

Divinely YOU began with two objectives – to raise awareness around abuse and ways to end it,  and give survivors scholarships for those who are done surviving and ready to live beyond the backlashes of abuse such as low self esteem, self- doubt, limiting beliefs and victim mentality through courses, coaching and personal development.

One of the most common BLOCK stopping survivors and victims’ from learning new ways of being is money.  Through scholarships for courses, live events and private coaching that we raise by your generous support and public awareness Celebrate YOU concerts worldwide. They CAN afford private coaching, alternative therapies and educational support to take their power back and leave the past behind and step into their dreams.

Over the past 15 years as a coach serving survivors Lisha Antiqua Ph.D. realized that her clients where some of the most dynamic, brilliant women and men she had ever met. There were 2 things standing between them and a "healthy, happy" life.

1. They where broke and broke... feeling broken had stopped many of them from gaining the proper footing they need to get the support and coaching they desired to move forward.

Our Solution: At Divinely YOU we raise money through donations, live events and proceeds from book and program sales from our sponsors to help these survivors thrive by providing fund matching scholarships.

  1.  They have forgotten or never known that they are amazing, capable and talented.  They have forgotten how to celebrate themselves, their accomplishments and their lives.  And in doing so they are struggling to keep their dreams alive.

Our Solution: At Divinely YOU we end abuse by doing the opposite of abuse.  Abuse is controlling, demeaning and hurtful.  At our fundraising events, we celebrate YOU with music, self-empowerment workshops and positive support.  We know how important it is to retrain the brain to work for us and learn new skills to replace the negative tapes so many survivors battle every-day.  Our events are designed to not only raise money for scholarships for ongoing support and awareness but consciousness and love as well.